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ISS World North America will be attended by multiple Fivecast staff, while a Senior Tradecraft Advisor will present at the conference.

Fivecast will be sending a team of our experts to ISS World North America 2022 to share OSINT best practices. As an exhibitor and sponsor, we will also have a Senior Tradecraft Advisor present Disrupting Transnational Organized Crime: Investigating Cross-Border Cartel Operations on Track 3 at 9:00 am on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

ISS WORLD North America

ISS World North America is the world’s largest gathering of North American Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, Defense, Public Safety, and other members of the Government Intelligence Community as well as Telecom Operators responsible for cyber threat intelligence gathering, DarkNet monitoring, lawful interception, and cybercrime investigations.

ISS World Programs present the methodologies and tools for Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and Government Intelligence Communities in the fight against drug trafficking, cyber money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism, and other criminal activities conducted over today’s Telecommunications networks, the Internet, and Social Networks.

Fivecast at iss world

ISS World North America is running at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, VA from November 15 – 17, 2022. At ISS World, Fivecast will have a strong representation at our booth, and a speech from a Senior Tradecraft Advisor from Fivecast. The presentation is titled Disrupting Transnational Organized Crime: Investigating Cross-Border Cartel Operations and will take place on November 16th on Track 3 at 9:00 am EST.